Stay up to date on the latest news relating to Autism
GEMMA is an international EU project which is investigating gastrointestinal problems like constipation, diarrhoea, or tummy pains that are experienced by up to 80% of children with Autism.
Research Study
8th February 2022
Aobh Nic Ghiolla Phadraig is a final year student of Psychology in DCU, who is conducting research to examine the relationship between children’s sleep, their parents sleep, and the overall…
Research Study
1st February 2022
Anxiety in Autism. A research team in Dublin City University is conducting research into a new concept to address anxiety in the autistic population.
Research Study
25th January 2022
Katie Kelly Foran is a Psychology student in Dublin City University and is conducting her Masters Research Study on “Siblings experiences of having a sibling diagnosed with Autism”.
Research Study
22nd December 2021
Students on the Autism spectrum attending higher education: Challenges for students and educators.
Research Study
2nd December 2021
Kalem Mahon is conducting a research project exploring parent/guardian experiences of the transition to adulthood and adult services for young Autistic adults with an intellectual disability.
Research Study
3rd November 2021
The University of Cambridge, as part of AIMS-2-TRIALS, are running two important surveys to tell policymakers what’s important to Autistic people and carers.
Research Study
20th October 2021
Madeleine Diepman is conducting a research project on investigating sensory & social responses in Autistic children and young people, compared to neurotypical children and young people.
Autism Bill
20th October 2021
The Irish Society for Autism is delighted to fully support the Regional Group of Independent TDs in progressing the Autism Bill.