Information services
We operate information services through our website, email service, phone-line and printed publications, helping thousands of Autistic people, their parents and family members, and members of the public each year. In addition to our phone-line, we have a library available where books can be rented or purchased.

We provide Autism training across numerous sectors, from parents and professionals to heath sector workers. We provide talks to a variety of organisations including sporting bodies, government departments, and businesses ranging from retail to banking. Any group or organisation looking for training can contact us via phone or email.
Education programmes
We work with Primary and Secondary schools across the country, providing information and education programmes.
Assisting Businesses
We regularly assist businesses and organisations who are working towards creating more Autism friendly workplaces and environments, helping to increase their understanding of Autism.
Research & Advocacy
We have undertaken research in various areas, and through our advocacy and lobbying we aim to ensure that Autism remains a priority.
To date we have undertaken research in various areas, including;
- Population Study of Children and Adults with Autism – comprising South Western Area Health Board, Northern Area Health Board, East Coast Area Health Board.
- Irish Families Under Stress – Planning for the Future of Autistic Persons, A Prevalence and Psychosocial Study in the Eastern Regional Health Authority.
- Devising Relative and Quality Training to Meet the Growing Need for Knowledge about the Autism Spectrum in Secondary Schools in Ireland and Wales.
We actively assist, support, and are involved in national and international organisations.
Residential facilities
We have established residential services for adults with Autism in Dublin, Galway, Kildare, Meath, Westmeath and Wexford.