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Research Study

Disability disclosure in higher-level education: Exploring the impacts on wellbeing, social and assistive supports and perceived stigma.
ATU Logo

Research Study

Exploring Social Care Practitioners Experiences on the Impact of Covid–19 Restrictions on Children with Autism
NUI Galway Logo

Research Study

An exploration of the journey to an adult autism diagnosis in Ireland.
NUI Galway Logo

Research Study

Understanding how Autism impacts the everyday communication of Adolescents.

Freezin The Panto

Sensory friendly showing of Freezin The Panto at Draíocht in Blanchardstown on January 11th 2024.
trinity college logo-common-use

Research Study

Syrens: A Neurolinguistic study to assess cognitive abilities and develop composite biomarkers in Fragile X Premutation Carriers.
Mary Immaculate College Logo 1

Research Study

Autistic Girls Experiences of Mainstream Education Settings.
trinity college logo-common-use

Research Study

Exploring the lived experiences of parents parenting an Autistic child and eating needs.