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Research Study

Research study examining the experience of Adults on the Autism Spectrum.

Our Autism Information Cards

During these unprecedented times, it can be difficult to adapt to the new circumstances and social norms that are being asked of us all. Our Autism Information Cards may be…

World Autism Awareness Day

As we mark World Autism Awareness Day on the 2nd April 2020 the world including people with Autism are experiencing very challenging times.
Covid 19

COVID-19 Arrangements

Due to Government recommendations in place in relation to COVID-19, our office is currently closed and staff are working remotely where possible.

Research Study

Parenting Stress in Mothers of Children with Autism and Intellectual Disability.

Research Study

Exploring the Lived Experiences of Women with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Seeking Employment Post-College

Research Study

Are you a young woman on the Autism Spectrum who communicates with people on line?

Research Study

Perceived Stress Levels among Parents of Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Ireland: How the Severity of the Condition Effects Parental Perceived Stress