Stay up to date on the latest news relating to Autism
Jonah Special School in Kilkenny are holding an opening evening
Research Study
18th February 2019
Perceived stress levels among parents of children diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in Ireland: How the severity of the condition effects parental perceived stress. Lynn Walsh is a final year…
RTE Documentary Research
6th February 2019
Is a member of your family a junior carer? Are they instrumental in the care of a loved one? RTÉ are doing research for a documentary on junior carers. If…
Research Study
30th January 2019
An Evaluation of the National Autistic Society EarlyBird Programme: Perspectives of Clinicians and Parents in an Irish Context. Kate Hughes is completing a top-up Doctorate in Educational Psychology in University…
Art Exhibition
15th January 2019
The 8th International Art Exhibition for people with Autism (Art & Autism) Autismo Burgos is organising the 8th International Art Exhibition for people with Autism – ‘ART & AUTISM’. If you are interested…
Research Study
12th January 2019
Girls on the Spectrum – exploring the diagnostic experiences of parents/guardians in Ireland Please read below information regarding research that you may wish to participate in; Karen Fowler is a…
Merry Christmas!
30th December 2018
Please note the Irish Society of Autism will be closed until Wednesday the 2nd of January 2019.
Research Study
17th December 2018
Parental Resilience and Mental Health (PRAM) Please read the below information regarding research that you may wish to participate in: Aileen O’Connor is a trainee clinical psychologist in UCD, and…
Research Study
10th December 2018
“Children with Autism cannot wait” Please read the below information regarding research that you may wish to participate in; Ella Devereux is a fifth year student and is presenting a…