Other research
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Please see below for various research topics and studies being undertaken by other individuals and organisations.
Juliet Smith is conducting a study to better understand factors associated with “autistic burnout”.
Research Study
Research Project on “Differences in Parental Stress and the Psychological impact of Caring for a Child with Autism”.
Research Study
GEMMA is an international EU project which is investigating gastrointestinal problems like constipation, diarrhoea, or tummy pains that are experienced by up to 80% of children with Autism.
Research Study
Aobh Nic Ghiolla Phadraig is a final year student of Psychology in DCU, who is conducting research to examine the relationship between children’s sleep, their parents sleep, and the overall…
Research Study
Anxiety in Autism. A research team in Dublin City University is conducting research into a new concept to address anxiety in the autistic population.
Research Study
Katie Kelly Foran is a Psychology student in Dublin City University and is conducting her Masters Research Study on “Siblings experiences of having a sibling diagnosed with Autism”.