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What are my entitlements?

Below are listed some of the entitlements which may be available for Autistic people and their carers. The list is not exhaustive and changes from time to time. It is for information purposes only and the final decision on granting any of the below rests with the relevant authority.

Disability Services

The HSE provides and funds a range of services for people with disabilities and their carers. These services include basic health services as well as assessment, rehabilitation, income maintenance, community care and residential care respite, home care and day care.

People with disabilities may be eligible to certain general health services such as medical cards, prescribed drugs and medicines, medical & surgical aids and appliances, hospital services, dental, optical and aural services. They may also be entitled to avail of the range of community care services which may include a public health nurse, home help, personal assistance, psychological services, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, social work services, physiotherapy, day care and respite.

For further information you should contact your Local Health Office, or please see the Disability Services section of the HSE website here.

You can also contact the HSE Live service for further information on 041 685 0300 or callsave 1850 24 1850.

Medical Card

Some people with Autism and their families may be entitled to a Medical Card or GP Visit card – Further information on these cards and how you can apply can be found here.

Domiciliary Care Allowance

Is a monthly payment for a child under the age of 16, with a severe disability that requires ongoing care & attention, over and above that which is usually required by a child of the same age.  Further information can be obtained from the Department of Social Protection’s Website here.

Disability Allowance

The Disability Allowance is a weekly allowance paid to a person with a disability over the age of 16 years. Further information can be obtained here.

Carers Allowance

The Carers Allowance is a means tested allowance paid to carers who live with and look after people who need full time care and assistance. Information on the Carers Allowance can be found here.

Carers Support Grant (formerly called the Respite Care Grant)

The Carers Support Grant is an annual payment made to carers by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. Information on the Carers Support Grant can be found on the Department of Social Protection’s website here.

VAT refunds  

VAT refunds can be claimed on aids and appliances for people with disabilities. To see what qualifies, please consult Revenue’s website here.

The Incapacitated Child Tax Credit

The Incapacitated Child Tax Credit can be claimed for a child who is permanently incapacitated, either physically or mentally, and who is unable to support themselves. For more information please see the details on Revenues website here.

Tax relief

Tax relief on the cost of health expenses can be claimed. These can be personal health expenses, those of a family member or any individual’s that are being paid for by the person making the claim. For more information, and how to apply, see here.

Tax relief on additional health care expenses

Tax relief on additional health care expenses for a child can also be claimed, for example, tax relief on the cost of an assessment carried out by an educational psychologist for a qualifying child, and for speech and language therapy for a qualifying child (A qualified speech and language therapist must carry out the therapy). For further information, please see the relevant section of the Revenue website here.

Home Tuition Grant

The purpose of the Home Tuition Scheme is to provide a compensatory educational service for children who, for a number of reasons such as chronic illness, are unable to attend school. The scheme also provides a compensatory educational service for children with special educational needs seeking an educational placement. Provision is also made for early educational intervention for Autistic children. Further information can be obtained here.

Summer Programme

The Summer Programme provides educational supports during the summer to children with special needs and those at most risk of educational disadvantage.

For details of the Summer Programme, please see –

School Transport Scheme

The School Transport Scheme is available to support the transport to and from school of children with special educational needs arising from a diagnosed disability. For further information on eligibility, please see the Department of Education’s website here.