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Employment Supports

Employment Support for Autistic People

If you are seeking employment, there are a number of Government bodies and other organisations who can support you through this process.

Information for Employers

If you are an employer, there are a number of resources available to you to help you best support your Autistic colleagues.

Employment Support for Autistic People


EmployAbility services offered by the Department of Social Protection provide an employment support service for people with a health condition, injury, illness or disability. Your local EmployAbility service offers employment help and also gives employers access to a pool of potential employees. Providers deliver employment support for both the employer and the employee, a professional job-matching service to help ensure successful recruitment, and advice and information on additional employment supports and grants. You can engage with this service via your local Intreo Office. For further information, see – 

HSE Disabilities Occupational Guidance Service

The HSE offers an Occupational Guidance Service through their local disability offices. The service provides information, advice, support and direction to people with a disability who wish to access rehabilitative training and sheltered services.

The services offered include:

  • Information on rehabilitative training and sheltered services
  • Advice and guidance on identifying individual interests, skills and abilities in developing a profile of rehabilitative and sheltered needs
  • Referral to rehabilitative training and sheltered services
  • Linking to other services, such as supported employment, further training, and SOLAS
  • Annual Profiling of school leavers who may require a HSE funded Training or Day Service

For further information, contact your local Disability Office.


AHEAD is an independent non-profit organisation working to create inclusive environments in education and employment for people with disabilities. Ahead run a project called the WAM Programme – Willing Able Mentoring (WAM). WAM is a work placement programme which aims to promote access to the labour market for graduates with disabilities and build the capacity of employers to integrate disability into the mainstream workplace. The WAM Programme offers graduates with disabilities the chance to undertake a minimum 6 month, paid, mentored work placements with high profile Irish employers.

For further information, please see – 

Specialisterne Ireland 

Specialisterne Ireland is a specialist consultancy that recruits and supports talented Autistic people and those with similar neurodiverse challenges in gaining employment. They support job seekers by:

  • Supporting them to apply for jobs
  • Working with them at their pace to prepare them for the interview process
  • Provide mock interviews to help people perform at their best
  • Discuss disclosure and reasonable accommodations
  • Support people throughout the interview process
  • Search for employment opportunities in their partner companies
  • Support people to find their own employment
  • Provide ongoing support to candidates employed in their partner companies

For more information see –

Not so Different

Not so Different is a Social Enterprise in Dublin 15 promoting equality and inclusion for people who are neurodiverse, such as those on the Autism Spectrum, and their families. They support people to realise their full potential through education and employment, and to live a good life in Community. See – 

The Walkinstown Association (Walk)

WALK provide employment support and training to Autistic individuals. They believe that everyone who wants to work, have a job and a career, can do so given the right supports. Their role is to facilitate individuals to fulfil their career and employment ambitions in life by supporting them to realise their potential, access opportunities and build their own natural supports.  For further information see –

Ability @ Work – Cope Foundation, Cork

Ability@Work is a dedicated supported employment service which aims to bring young people with intellectual disabilities and /or autism closer to the labour market. The programme assists jobseekers at key transition points between education, training and employment and is available to young people 18-29 years.

For further information, see – 

Information for Employers

Reasonable Accommodation Fund

The Department of Social Protection provides a range of supports under the Reasonable Accommodation Fund that can assist employees and their employers. Under the Reasonable Accommodation Fund, the Department can help employers and employees with a disability to take appropriate measures to help a person with a disability to access, improve, or retain their employment by providing the following grants:

  • the Workplace Equipment Adaptation Grant (WEAG)
  • the Job Interview Interpreter Grant (JIIG)
  • the Personal Reader Grant (PRG)
  • the Employee Retention Grant (ERG)

For further information, please see –

The Disability Awareness Support Scheme (DASS)

The Disability Awareness Support Scheme provides a maximum of €20,000 funding for private sector employers to arrange and pay for disability awareness training for staff who work with a colleague who has a disability.

For further information, see –

The Employer Disability Information Service

The Employer Disability Information Service aims to make it quick and easy to help employers empower their employees with disabilities.  For information regarding how you can get in touch for support, see –

Employers for Change

The aim of Employers for Change is to provide an employer with a disability information service. The service empowers employers with all the information and advice needed to hire, employ, manage and retain staff with disabilities. For further information see –