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About Autism

Autism is referred to as a spectrum, and it affects different people in different ways. Learn more about Autism.

Autism Assessments and Services

Read more about the different ways to access an Autism assessment for children and adults.


Learn about the State supports and entitlements that some Autistic people and their carers may be eligible to avail of.

Educational Options and Supports

Learn more about the educational options and supports that are available for Autistic pupils.

Employment Supports

Learn more about the employment supports available for Autistic individuals and employers.


Learn more about the legislation in place to protect the rights of Autistic people.

Autism Cards

Learn more about the free Autism cards we provide.

Research and Publications

Learn more about current and previous research relating to Autism, undertaken by the Irish Society for Autism and others.

Covid-19 Resources

Information and resources relating to Covid-19.