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Neurodiverse and Neurotypical Experiences at Work

Please read the below information regarding research that you may wish to participate in:

Sean Hetherton is doing a project/dissertation as part of his final year of a psychology conversion course at Trinity College, Dublin. Sean is conducting research to find out if there are significant differences between a neurotypical and neurodiverse cohort of employees, with respect to the four different organisational psychology scales being measured to reflect their working experiences.

To take part in this study, you must be aged over 18 and currently employed in either part-time or full-time work.

If you agree to participate in this study you will be given a consent form and asked to complete an anonymous survey which will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. The survey will consist of some demographic questions, along with questions from four different organisational psychology scales.

For further information please email Sean at or you can gain access to the information sheet and the questionnaire at