If you are seeking to enrol your child in a special class or a special school for the upcoming 2025/2026 school term, you must notify the National Council for Special Education by February 1st 2025.
Department of Education Circular 0080/2024 – ‘New measures to support the Forward Planning for Special Education Provision‘ advises parents/guardians seeking to enrol their child or young person in a special class or special school:
- that they should notify the NCSE by the 1st of February and engage with them on the range of options which are available to meet the needs of their child or young person and
- that parents/guardians should obtain a letter from the NCSE to submit with their admission application for a special class or special school confirming that the child meets the requirements for enrolment to that setting.
For further information, please see – https://ncse.ie/notify-ncse-special-class-special-school.
You can view Department of Education Circular 0080/2024 – ‘New measures to support the Forward Planning for Special Education Provision’ by clicking here.