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Research Study

Exploring the lived experiences of parents parenting an Autistic child and eating needs.

Please read the below information regarding research that you may wish to participate in:

You are invited to take part in a research study which is being conducted by Anne Marie Clancy (Senior Speech and Language Therapist) in the School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences, Trinity College, Dublin.

This study aims to explore the lived experiences of parents parenting an Autistic child and eating needs. Anne Marie is doing this research to gain a better understanding of parental experiences of parenting a child who has eating needs. Through exploring these experiences, they wish to inform clinical practice and to improve therapeutic interventions. This project is being carried out as part of a doctorate in Speech and Language Therapy.

This study will involve interviewing parents of children (aged between 3-8 years of age) with a primary diagnosis of Autism and eating needs. The interview will last approximately 1.5 hours and will be conducted at a location convenient to the participant.

Please read the participant information leaflet here.

For further information contact: Anne Marie Clancy, principal researcher