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Research Study

Accessing Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare as an Autistic Person: A qualitative exploration on the experiences of Autistic people in Ireland.

Please read the below information regarding research that you may wish to participate in:

Adriana Guppy is an Applied Social Research masters student at Trinity College Dublin and is doing an interview based study on the lived experiences of Autistic people accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare (SRH) in Ireland. Participants will only be asked about accessibility of these services and how those challenges or advantages effected their experience of the health care service. The aims of this study are to:

1.) examine what challenges Autistic people face when accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare services.
2.) determine if there are any positive aspects to their sexual and reproductive health care service experiences.
3.) determine if there are any factors of accessibility and service experience that are unique only to sexual and reproductive health care.

Adriana is interested in understanding Autistic people’s experiences of accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare. You are invited to participate in this study if you have a diagnosis of Autism or self-identify as Autistic, are comfortable communicating verbally in English, do not have a co-occurring Intellectual Disability, and have ever accessed any kind of sexual and reproductive health care service.

Taking part in the study will involve a face-to-face interview that can be either in person or online. The interviews will last no longer than 1 hour but duration is up to the participant and how much they wish to share. The location of the interviews is flexible and can be discussed to find a suitable location. A classroom in the Arts Building at Trinity College Dublin is available as an option for in person interviews.

If you decide to take part you will be given an information leaflet to keep and asked to sign a consent form.
If you decide to take part you are still free to change your mind up until August 15th 2024 and without giving a reason.

If you have any questions or you would like to participate, please contact either:

Student Researcher: Adriana Guppy
Phone: +353 830284871

Supervisor: Micheal Feely

You can also view the Participant Information Leaflet here.