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Hunt Museum CALL OUT!

Would you like to help drive positive social change at the Hunt Museum in Limerick?

The Hunt Museum are looking for Autistic people to join the Inclusive Museums project Working Group. Its members will identify barriers to access and participation at the Museum and will work with staff to find solutions or accommodations to overcome these.

Members will also get the opportunity to co-create digital learning resources and workshops, sharing their lived experience and knowledge of Autism while also sharing the work undertaken by the Working Group. This learning content will be shared with other museums across Ireland, so that we can encourage similar change in other museum institutions.

To enquire about getting involved, please contact or call 061 312833

This working group will meet monthly at the Hunt Museum and members who choose to get involved in the above co-creation activities will need to attend the museum more regularly. Please note that budget is available to assist with transport costs.

To learn more about the Inclusive Museums project please visit

Inclusive Museums is kindly funded through Rethink Ireland’s “Disability Awareness and Participation Fund”.