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The Ethereal Project Focus Group

The Ethereal Project is running a focus group evening via Microsoft Teams on the Factors influencing mental health on adolescents with Autism.

The aim of the project is the development of an app that can empower autistic adolescents to self-determine preventive actions against mental illness.

Objectives of Ethereal include:

  • Quantifying underpinning mechanism of how different environmental factors interact to influence mental health conditions in autistic adolescents given their personalised profile (genetic, socio-economic and lifestyle); Identifying how such a mechanism could be controlled by influencing the modifiable environmental factors;
  • Implementing the identified controlling mechanism in a Personal Digital Nurse application that will: 1) empower an autistic adolescent to take actions for preventing mental illness and; 2) create a real-time monitoring channel for immediate carer.

For the project, we are currently organising a stakeholder feedback focus group evening on the 13th of June at 7pm, which will be held via Microsoft Teams. The purpose of the evening is to gather feedback from stakeholders on their requirements for the app under development, and thoughts as to how it can support them and be implemented into current practice.

Please see further information below.