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Research Study

An Exploration of the Perspectives of Teachers and Parents on the Inclusion of Autistic Students in the Home Economics Classroom.

Please read the below information regarding research that you may wish to participate in:

Rachael Maloney, a Professional Master’s student in Education (Home Economics) from St. Angela’s College Sligo is conducting a research study to explore parents’ and teachers’ perceptions on the inclusion of Autistic students in mainstream classes and whether or not they believe Home Economics would support the inclusion of Autistic students in the mainstream school.

The study was formulated last year when Rachael was completing her fourth- year school placement in a mainstream Autism class. From her experience, she noticed how these students enjoyed being included in aspects of the mainstream environment. As a Home Economist, Rachael is passionate about how Home Economics is essential in teaching all students necessary life skills, while also providing this feeling of inclusion within the school, the home and wider community.

You can participate in this study if you are:

  • A qualified Home Economics teacher who has been teaching for a minimum of two-years and has had experience teaching autistic students.
  • A qualified Home Economics teacher in an autistic class within a mainstream school at post-primary level.
  • Parents of students with autism attending a mainstream educational setting at post- primary level.

Should you choose to participate in this study you will be asked to participate in an interview. Interviews will be conducted using a semi- structured approach. Each interview will be recorded and last approximately thirty to forty-five minutes in length. Interviews will mainly consist of open-ended questions with additional follow up questions if required. Interviews will begin with general background questions which they will then lead to more specific information about autism and mainstream inclusion, with a particular focus on Home Economics.

Participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you decide to take part in this research project, please note you have the right to withdraw at any stage prior to the interviews being conducted. If needed, participants can also pause the interview at any stage to take a break. When the individual feels comfortable to proceed, verbal permission will be required.

Additional information on the study can be seen here.

If you wish to take part in this research please contact Rachael Maloney – Email: /