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Research Study

Students on the autism spectrum attending higher education: Challenges for students and educators.

Please read the below information regarding research that you may wish to participate in:

Majella Mulhall is a student on the Doctor of Education at Queens University, Belfast. Majella is currently working on her research dissertation for her qualification.

The overall aims and objectives of Majella’s research is to investigate if learners on the Autism spectrum are having their special educational needs met while attending higher education institutes in the Republic of Ireland, and also to identify and determine how higher education providers can provide a more inclusive setting for learners with special educational needs.

You are invited to participate in this research if you are a:

Student: You will get the opportunity to discuss how your special educational needs are being met by the college you are attending, along with highlighting how you feel the college could improve their accommodations for students with special educational needs.

Lecturers/Access Officers: You will get the opportunity to discuss the challenges you encounter in teaching, learning and assessment practices while working with learners who are on the Autism spectrum. This study will also give you an opening to discuss what you feel higher education institutes can do to improve their educational practices to support students with special educational needs. In addition, this study could potentially influence future policy approaches regarding this issue.

If you decide to participate you will be asked to attend an interview or complete a questionnaire. This interview/questionnaire will take approximately 45 minutes – 1 hour to complete. If you agree to take part in an interview it will take place virtually via Microsoft Teams at a date and time agreed in advance. If you decide to complete the questionnaire, which is created via Microsoft Forms, it will be sent to you via email.

Further information can be seen on the participant sheet here.