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Research Study

Autism Specific Transition Resources

Please read the below information regarding research that you may wish to participate in:

Dr Sinéad Smyth works in the School of Psychology at DCU and is conducting a research study to see how children and young people with Autism and their parents are coping with COVID-19 restrictions, and to figure out what help they need in the future particularly in transitioning back to activities as restrictions are relaxed.

The purpose of this research is to measure the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 situation on parents and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, with a view to informing resources to help with the transitions that will be experienced over the coming months as restrictions related to COVID-19 are relaxed, schools and businesses reopen, and the activities we all engage in change.

If you would like to participate in this research, you are asked to complete one questionnaire now and at least another two at times in the future. If your child has good verbal abilities and is over the age of 8, Dr. Smyth would like to hear from them too. If your child is not verbal or does not want to take part, you can answer all of the questions. 

For further information or to participate in this research study please click on this link.